Written By Melissa Avalos, PNW Intern, Summer 2021

Nutritional Yeast Blog (1).png

Have you ever heard of nutritional yeast (or “nooch”, as some people call it)? It is an inactive form of yeast and being that yeast is a part of the fungi family and all, the natural cheesy umami flavor that comes with it is 100% vegan. It is a wonderful addition to snacks and meals, packing a flavor punch and nutritional benefits. Here’s more information on the nutritional benefits of it as well as the best ways to use it in a plant-based diet.

The Nutrition Behind Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast really lives up to its name. It is packed with B vitamins (including B12), protein, and our favorite,  fiber! Nutritional yeast is also low in fat, with 0 grams per serving (2 tablespoons).  Yeast naturally contains B vitamins, but nutritional yeast is fortified with vitamin B12 since it can not produce it on its own. 

So far we’ve got a good source of vitamin B12, a great source of plant based protein, and a naturally delicious cheesy flavor. This is basically vegan heaven. The fiber is great for promoting gut health, oh and bonus : nutritional yeast is also a low FODMAP food (which is great for those that struggle with IBS and other digestive issues)!! 

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Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 is a very important and complex nutrient. It has many important roles in our bodies. One of the main roles of vitamin B-12 is acting as a cofactor in the metabolism of folate, also known as vitamin B-9. This is essential for cellular functions like DNA synthesis, healthy red blood cell formation, and the development of a healthy central nervous system. A deficiency in vitamin B-12 can lead to pernicious anemia which can present with symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heart beats and overall can be very dangerous if not treated.  

Vitamin B-12 is naturally found in food sources derived from animals like meat, eggs, and dairy. Since vegans do not consume animal products it’s important to supplement vitamin B-12 and enjoy foods fortified with it. Most plant milks are fortified with vitamin B-12 along with cereals, tempeh, vegan meats, and of course nutritional yeast!  

Nooch is a great boost for your vitamin B-12 intake! Even though it contains a good amount of B-12 it’s still important to take a supplement because vitamin B-12 can be a little tricky when it comes to digestion and absorption in our bodies. 

Can Nutritional Yeast Cause Digestive Issues?

There have been rumors about nutritional yeast possibly causing digestive problems.

Nutritional yeast is a good source of fiber. When fiber is introduced to your body in large amounts while it’s not something you’re used to, it may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating, gas, and cramps.  There are also individuals (although rare) who are intolerant or sensitive to yeast. 

Most people won’t have an issue with nutritional yeast. If you are new to nutritional yeast, just as you should with other high fiber foods you’re not used to eating, introduce it slowly and in small amounts and always remember to increase your water intake. 

Storing Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is best stored in an airtight container in a cool dark place like your kitchen cabinet or cupboard.  Nooch does not need to be stored in the refrigerator after opening, but you can if you’d like and it can extend the shelf life, which when stored properly is up to two years. `

Nutritional Yeast Uses and Recipes


Have I mentioned that nutritional yeast tastes good on basically everything? 

It can be used in so many different ways!

  • Sauces

  • Pasta

  • Popcorn 

  • Soups

  • Vegan cheeses or cheesy sauces  (homemade) 

  • Savory snacks 

Here are some great recipes that use nutritional yeast:

Vegan Parmesan Cheese

Vegan Mac and Cheese

Vegan Cheesy Popcorn

Cashew Cheese

Vegan Broccoli and Cheese soup

Bottom Line


Nutritional yeast is a really great versatile food. It’s such a great addition to vegan recipes and can be added to a variety of snacks and meals while providing a delicious umami flavor! Storing it is a breeze and it’s a definite win in the fiber, protein, and vitamin B12 department.  Remember that supplementing with vitamin B-12 is still important even if you put nooch on everything (which we vegans do haha). Keep in mind that this is a fiber containing food and to introduce it in small amounts if your diet is not regularly high in fiber. Check out the recipes shared above and enjoy! 

What’s your favorite way to use nutritional yeast?